Most of our customers use the machines for packing of food and therefore the machines are adapted and tested for aplication in food industry. Our product strategy is development and production of very flexible and reliable systems on the highest technical level. For that reason our machines work worldwide.

The lowest class machines from our production are addressed to plants with lower production capacity or plants using them for additional packing due to their simplicity of control and especially low cost.The higher class machines are mostly used in non-stop working plants due to their reliability and control comfort.The highest technical level is reached mainly in multi-row machines with possibility of combining stick and tetrahedral bag type.These machines are utilized for one portion packing (sugar bags,confectionary, spice, coffee, mayonnaise, jams, etc.)
Our company futher offers Casette module machine, interestedly technically solved,which can offer endless packaging options to their customers in packing small stick- packs up to 50g of batch. Individual machine modules work independently on each other,each of them has its own control system and doser.
We address delikatessen production plants by the Filling automatic machines for filling to ready made covers, cups, (filling of salads and spreads), diary production ( yoghurts, cheese) and meat processing (pate,spreads, ready cooked meals). These machines are supplied on a regular basis in stainless steal make and their equipment is completely adjusted to the production requirements.
During the last few years, our company has specialized in supplying complete packaging lines incorporated into the customer’s production line. These lines are structurally adjusted to production requirements with keen precision.

The latest innovation is the automation and robotic system of the production process.
In comparison to manual labor, a robotic system allows for greater performance, higher quality and reliability.
Industrial robots effectively utilize space, they quickly adjust to the diversity of products thanks to a built-in camera system, and they handle products quickly and uniformly.
The use of robots is varied: packaging, wrapping, screwing and assembly of parts, manipulation of material, exact placement of components, loading and unloading of products, application in the automobile industry, in laboratories and pharmaceutical industries, grocery and cosmetics industry, and the application of electronic parts.
Keen accuracy and movement speed predetermines industrial robots to manage the most difficult tasks with extreme accuracy and precision.
Thanks to a wide offer of packaging machines, automatic lines and industrial robots, we invite you to visit our web pages at
We believe that our offered machines will attract your interest.